Avoca Beach

Avoca Beach in 3 words: quiet, upscale, lush.IMG_3818IMG_3762We booked the cutest Airbnb in Avoca Beach - an entire 1-bedroom apartment to ourselves, with this spacious porch and private yard. Avoca Beach is set up on steep hills, so our house is perched ~ 50 feet above the street (atop a very steep driveway), giving our street-facing porch and yard much more privacy. The mansions along the green hills reminds me of both the French Riviera and the Santa Barbara hills. I love when the hills meet the ocean.The beach has (what I consider) big waves, around 6-7 foot. The sand is lined with blue bottle jellyfish that washed ashore. You have to keep an eye out when you swim- Shaun has already been stung a few times surfing... Walking to beachside downtown Avoca (”downtown” is an dramatic exaggeration - there are roughly 4 restaurants and 3 cafes… total) takes about 20-25 minutes.


Along The Central Coast: Terrigal


The Lucky Rookie